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Wednesday 22 November 2017

Lose vs Loose - Difference And Their Usages

The difference between lose and loose is known by many people, but few people unfortunately don't use the word 'lose' at all while typing. The main reason has to be with their pronunciations. Both the words lose and loose have the same pronunciation and because of this, the word 'lose' is often typed as 'loose', especially by many Indians who don't have English as their native language. Let us see the meanings of lose and loose to make sure that you follow the right spellings hereafter.


Pronunciation: looz
Meaning: failing to do something, missing an opportunity, etc.
Lose is a verb. 

Let's put lose in example sentences.

1. I will not lose this opportunity to learn English.
2. Rafael Nadal will never lose to any player on a clay court.
3. One should not lose to their fear of failure before making an attempt.


Pronunciation: loos
Meaning: something that is not firmly fixed, easily detachable, not tight, etc.
Loose is mostly used as an adjective. 

Let's put loose in example sentences.

1. This shirt is so loose on me.
2. Liquid is made of water molecules that are loosely packed.
3. Her loose hair looked absolutely gorgeous.

Post your questions here if you require further clarifications on the difference between lose and loose.

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