Mobile Trial 1

Friday 13 November 2020

Difference between its and it's - its vs it's - Common mistakes people make with its and it's

Its a beautiful day today!

Its great to finally meet you.

Its an honor to be representing our country at Olympics.

If you don't find any spelling mistakes in the above three sentences, and if this is how you usually send messages to your colleagues, then you definitely need to read this post. This post is about the difference between its and it's. This is one of the common mistakes many people make while writing. Writing professionally is paramount to your career growth because nowadays due to the Coronavirus pandemic and other technological advancements, gone are those days when we mostly used to communicate with others in person. Because almost everyone works from home of late, messages and mails are the order of the day for communicating with team members. Surely your team members who read your messages and mails won't tell you that you made an embarrassing error. Sometimes, pointing out mistakes is more embarrassing than the mistakes itself. But, its time to stop making embarrassing mistakes. Oops! Did you notice the highlighted word 'its'. Its again a mistake. Oops! I made the same mistake again. Let me stop confusing you and get straight to the point. There is a big difference between its and it's.

What is the difference between its and it's?

Its and it's, both have the same pronunciations, and it is only natural that we make mistakes with these words. But, 'its' denotes an object or anything that is previously introduced in a sentence.


1) I saw a dog last night. I was amazed with its shiny fur.

In the above example, 'its' denotes the dog that is introduced in the initial sentence.

Some other examples:

2) Never judge a book by its cover.

Yep! This is a common proverb, isn't this? Here, 'its' denotes the book.

3) The majestic look of a lion is surpassed only by its awe-inspiring roar.

Here again, 'its' denotes the lion.

I am pretty sure with the above examples, you now know where to use 'its'. Now, let us see where we have to use it's.

Example sentences using it's:

If you go to the beginning of this post, you will find three sentences. In all those sentences, you should use only it's. The correct way of writing those sentences are as follows.

It's a beautiful day today!

It's great to finally meet you.

It's an honor to be representing our country at Olympics.

Feel free to post your feedback or questions in the comments section below.

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