Let me say you are working in an office where you often communicate with your colleagues via mails and phone calls. You always ask your teammates to send you a particular document and you in turn would send them another or similar file if the need arises. Communication via mails is a teensy bit different. You often use words that you don't normally use while talking in person. Share is a similar word. How many of you have said or written mails mentioning, Can you share me the document asap? If you are one of them, it is time for you to learn how to use Share in sentences.
1) Hey John! Can you share me the file asap?
2) Hey John! Can you share with me the file asap?
If you have been following option 1, it is time you stop following it right away. Option 1 is grammatically wrong. Only when you are using the word send, then you can say, Hey John! Can you send me the file asap? But, if you are using the word, share, only follow option 2.
Initially, Sharing was used for items like sweets, chocolates, etc. that people give everyone. If there is a box full of sweets, some sweets are shared with others so that the person who gives the sweets will also be left WITH some sweets for themself. To indicate that the sender also has some sweets with him after sharing, WITH is used. When you use the word Send, it means the entire sweet box is sent to another person. This will leave the sender with no sweets. That is why, when you use the word, send, WITH is not used.
But, our people have a knack for using words. They started interchanging the word Send and Share, so that communication sounds more formal. Over time, Send Me was replaced with Share Me. But, the correct way of saying this is Share With Me. I hope now you know whether you have to say share me or share with me.
Click here to know how to use Share with example sentences.
Share me or Share with me?
Imagine you need a file from your friend named John. You are drafting a mail. If you are using the word, Share, which of the following two sentences would you use?1) Hey John! Can you share me the file asap?
2) Hey John! Can you share with me the file asap?
If you have been following option 1, it is time you stop following it right away. Option 1 is grammatically wrong. Only when you are using the word send, then you can say, Hey John! Can you send me the file asap? But, if you are using the word, share, only follow option 2.
Why share WITH me has to be used instead of share me?
Initially, Sharing was used for items like sweets, chocolates, etc. that people give everyone. If there is a box full of sweets, some sweets are shared with others so that the person who gives the sweets will also be left WITH some sweets for themself. To indicate that the sender also has some sweets with him after sharing, WITH is used. When you use the word Send, it means the entire sweet box is sent to another person. This will leave the sender with no sweets. That is why, when you use the word, send, WITH is not used.
But, our people have a knack for using words. They started interchanging the word Send and Share, so that communication sounds more formal. Over time, Send Me was replaced with Share Me. But, the correct way of saying this is Share With Me. I hope now you know whether you have to say share me or share with me.
Click here to know how to use Share with example sentences.
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